
Odour Abatement Installation Updates

27th June 2022

Installation Updates

There is the potential for odour to be generated at certain points during the installation and commissioning of the odour abatement units.

We will potentially have odour generated on the below dates:

  • 29th  June, 19th July, 21st July, 29th July, 8th August, 6th September, 15th September, 6th October, 18th October, 19th October, 30th October, 6th November, 10th November, 13th November, 14th November, 15th November, 16th November, 17th November, 18th November, 27th November, 7th December 2022.

We will potentially have noise generated on the below dates:

  • 11th August 2022 for 5 working days.
  • From 1st to 7th November (during work hours).
  • From 14th to 18th November.
  • 7th December 2022.

We will continue to provide updates on the dates as installation time could vary.

We would be grateful of your patience at these times to allow this essential work to proceed.